In-House Delphi Code > Streaming Radio Library

Streaming Radio Library
Client/server classes for streaming radio
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Provides a pure-Delphi implementation of a streaming radio client (to receive MP3 audio from a streaming radio server) and server (to stream MP3 audio to a streaming radio client such as WinAmp). Full metadata support is included.

This package includes:

  • The streaming radio client:
    • Compatible with IceCast and ShoutCast
    • Connects to a streaming radio server and receives a live MP3 audio feed
    • Provides realtime MP3 audio data to your Delphi application
  • The streaming radio server:
    • Compatible with various media players such as WinAmp
    • Accepts connections from media players and feeds MP3 audio data to them
    • Allows your Delphi application to broadcast in realtime to media players
  • A example proxy application:
    • Uses both the client and server classes to act as a proxy
    • Connects to a remote streaming server to receive a live audio feed
    • Accepts connections from media players such as WinAmp and rebroadcasts the live audio feed to them

This class uses the Indy component library for all socket communication over the network. All processing tasks are performed asynchronously in a separate thread, so they should not interfere with the rest of your application, or cause your application to block.

This code is released as free software under the GNU General Public License.
Downloads: 5692
Added: Mar 04, 2007 07:24 PM
Last updated: Mar 04, 2007 07:24 PM